2018 Professional Development Seminar Presentations
Nicola Lipson - Reslience and Thriving for APA
Petra Edwards - The Barking Brief - Getting a Grip on Barking
Ian Hulmes - Prime Investigation Model
Paul Kelly & Dale Mazzachi - Norman Waterhouse - Reacting to the Human
Steph Paprzycski-Baker - Greyhound Racing SA - Managing Compliance in the Greyhound Industry
Dr Joy Verrinder - NDN - Cooperative Desexing Programs
Dr Torben Nielsen - University of South Australia - Management of Cats in Adelaide Councils
Samantha Hourigan - Adelaide City Council - Local nuisance from a Councils Perspective.
Geoff Blackwood - Hoarding & Squalor
Lost Pets of South Australia - Chipblitz
Brenton Thomass - City of Port Adelaide Enfield - Dog Behavourist Trial Update
Adrian Hill - 21 Secrets to Success